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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alayna is at Foster now

   Hi, I just want to let you guys know that Alayna won't be on for at least a few months. She may be able to go online a little, but not much.
   The reason she's at foster now is because she's been such a bad granddaughter to her grandparents. Her poor old grandparents were too annoyed of Alayna.
  1.  She always yells at them and acts all sassy to them. (Disrespecting)
  2.  She always denies them (Not going to sleep, not listening to them, not going to the doctor's, etc.)
  3.  In her last school year, she skipped A LOT of weeks of school.
  4.  It's already been nearly 3 months, and Alayna hasn't even gone to school this year for at least 1 day.     
  So you guys don't need to feel toooo bad about her. It's not like a jailhouse..Fosters are okay. And she pretty much deserved it, after I told her so many times to be respectful to her grandparents, she wouldn't listen. So now they're sick of her and sent her off, just like I predicted. And no I'm not try'na be mean. I just think she deserved it, and should learn from this experience. Btw, her grandparents were actually very nice, so it's not their fault that Alayna was being rude to them.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Poem

I made a poem dedicated to my father. It may be a bit disturbing..and scary, so watch out. Lol.

My hatred for you has driven me unhinged.

I yearn to lurk into your jail cell,

To see your cynical face.

The most accessible time has come for me.

I grab the metal pole and rope,

Athirst of your death,

I slink into your jail cell

There I see you, lying down on your little bed so helplessly.

Anxiously coming toward you, I feel as if I had already won.

Tying you firmly onto the bed, I smile criminally.

You wake up to see my long lost face, trying to sit up.

Laughing, I hold up my pole and say

Oh hey der.

His uncertain face made me laugh even more.

I take a swing at his face,

Knocking him intensely back onto his bed.

I strike at his short hairy legs so hard that I hear his bone crack..

And to his arms as well..

His scream irritated me, so I thought I should shove my metal pole down his throat.

I first said a few last words to him.

You whore.

You player.

You sex addict.

You drunk gambling old dick.

You are about to die by my hands, right before my eyes.

I will be the last person you see, and the last voice you hear.

Good bye.

He finally died right then..

But for my enjoyment, I continued banging my metal pole on his face.

The deed was done, and now I live peacefully and satisfied for the rest of my life. 