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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Prevent Yourself From Becoming a Scammer or Hacker

Another quick post to make up for our long absence.. ;~
(If you don't like reading, read the green words and also the last paragraph)

Are you addicted to getting/wanting new items? Are you one of those crazy people who just can't get enough of "cool" items? And even hack/scam others just to get it since you're just that crazy?

Well here's my little speech to help you calm t'f down.

Not a lot of people joined fantage in 2007-2010 or stayed from back then to now. So that means not a lot of people have those old /cool items. Those items can't be distributed to EVERYONE who currently plays fantage. Maybe you're one of those people who didn't get the item you wanted. Think about your inventory. You have a lot more than you did before the trade shop came out right? You got at least a few items from your wish list already right? So why do you keep wanting more and more? Why can't the "want cycle" end for you? It's probably because you're so used to seeing so many people wearing all those "cool items". And you're thinking.. why does everyone have those items? Why am I the only one who doesn't have them? Well guess what? Just because those people are wearing "cool items" doesn't mean they're cool as a person. If a NOOB is buried in beta/old items, they probably hacked/scammed someone. Is hacking or scamming cool? I don't think so. And you'd be surprised how many high leveled/famous fantagians are like that. It's just their dark side. 

Try to think about this..Your inventory is great just the way it is. You may not have all the cool items other people have, or that one or few items in your wish list, but you still got a lot of stuff from the trade shop right? Try narrowing down the things you want on your wish list. Stop categorizing people from cool to noob based on their items.

Okay my mind just stopped idk what else to say, LOl..
But the point is, don't think too hard about items. You just might end up as a scammer or hacker if you're that crazy about virtual game items. Seriously, please. I've seen it happen.

Tips on How to Distinguish Trustworthy Fantagians from SCAMMERS/HACKERS/LIARS

Hi, whoever even comes on here anymore.. Lol
This is a really late post, but I guess it's better late than never.
   I've been scammed before. My friends been scammed before. I witnessed a lot of scammed victims. And I'm just sensible..So if you listen to my advice, your account will be safe from nasty scammers.  (some of my advice may include hackers as well, not only scammers)

1. Look at their veteran medal and look at how they're dressed. If their veteran medal is 3-20, but are wearing a lot things like fgc items, beta items, or old cool items, they could most likely be one. I said 3 because some people just decided to transfer their items to a new user, but veteran levels less than 3 with those types of items could be scammers or hackers as well.

2. They pressure you to accept a double trade first.

3. They don't show any signs of trustworthiness, or prove their trustworthiness.

4. They ask to do an unnecessary double trades.

5. They are low leveled, low veteran noobs who pile themselves up in a lot of beta items. ~These are called BETA WANNABES~ (They could also have hacked people to get those items.)

6. They say they have an item, but don't show you it. And when you ask for them to show, they say no.

So! If you doubt any of my advice, you can ask me some questions in the questions page or contact me on a different website. I'll be glad to give you some reasonable..reasons. (: